Hillary Clinton: Love "Really What's Important In Life"

Hillary Clinton: Love "Really What's Important In Life"

SEOUL, South Korea — Dashing through a kaleidoscopic tour of the far East in her first outing as U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton is back in full campaign mode.

But instead of selling herself as a presidential candidate, Clinton is pitching the still-emerging foreign policy of her former rival, President Barack Obama.

While cautiously projecting Obama's careful diplomatic stances in her official meetings with diplomats and foreign leaders, Clinton has unleashed the ebullient public persona she showed in the final giddy stages of her unsuccessful 2008 campaign.

Clinton has appeared unabashedly delighted soaking up affectionate, sometimes gushing reactions that she evoked among foreign officials and onlookers.

Some of her appearances have mirrored the countless town halls of her campaign days. But instead of gymnasiums crowded with American voters, Clinton showed up at college auditoriums in Tokyo and South Korea, plying audiences with anecdotes and fielding questions on topics from motherhood to politics.

"Wow, I feel more like an advice columnist than a secretary of state today," she said to loud laughter when asked about the subject of love by one of several thousand students who gathered to hear her speak at Ewha Womans University in Seoul.

Asked how she knew that ex-president Bill was and is her one true love, Clinton responded: "How does anybody know about love? If you can describe it, you may not fully be experiencing it.

"My husband is my best friend," she added. "We have an endless conversation ... we never get bored.

"I just feel very fortunate ... that I have a relationship that's been so meaningful to me in my adult life."

Clinton urged the students to pursue love, saying "personal relationships are really what's important in life."

"We could be here for hours!" she said in response to the next questioner who asked Clinton to describe her relationship with her daughter Chelsea.

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