CPAC 2009: Promising Session Breaks With Tradition, Demands Transparency

CPAC 2009: Promising Session Breaks With Tradition, Demands Transparency

As Washingtonians are no doubt aware, CPAC - the activist conservative version of Comic-Con - is in full swing, which is why Woodley Park residents have noticed the recent uptick in American Enterprise Institute talking point-spouting Wookiees. Featured events include a Joe The Plumber demo session on the "future of conservatism" and "digital teevee conversions," a Rick Santelli-themed war protest that promises to "teabag" America, and some general yelling about TEH SOCIALIZM. But this breakout session shows real promise:

This is, I think, an exciting development. When one considers the support that was previously given to executive branch power consolidation, the elimination of the Separation of Powers, and an overall push toward less-and-less personal freedom, I was half expecting to see panel discussions entitled "My Neighbors' Phones: Why Not Tap Them?" or "How To Forget Some Stuff You Just Did, The Alberto Gonzales Way!"

Something must have happened, recently, to suddenly turn CPACkers into born-again transparency fans, I guess!

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