Mel Gibson Attempts A Hollywood Rehabilitation

Mel Gibson Attempts A Hollywood Rehabilitation

Mel Gibson appeared on Jimmy Kimmel's post-Oscar show that re-aired this past Friday night. "The Passion of the Christ" is out on DVD, Gibson is approaching three years out from his DUI arrest and he's trying to rehab his image, goatee and all.

Today Roger Friedman wrote about the image overhaul:

The main purpose of Gibson's appearance was, I guess, for rehabilitation. Kimmel stayed away from Gibson's famous 2006 Malibu arrest for as long as he could, then threw it into the conversation as a joke. Yes, it seems so funny now looking back at it that Gibson ranted anti-Semitic comments to the cop who arrested him for drunk driving!

Kimmel then -- this is all scripted -- led Gibson into a quick discussion of whether he also called a female police officer "sugar tits." Gibson denied saying it, the two laughed about it, and then Gibson said he'd wished he'd actually coined the phrase. "I wish I could copyright it," Gibson said, "I wish I had said it," Gibson observed. Kimmel agreed. It was a great phrase!

Read Friedman's whole take, read TMZ's excerpt of the July 2006 police report, or watch Gibson's appearance for yourself and leave your opinion in the comments section below.

Part 1:
Part 2:

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