Reuses For Business Cards

Reuses For Business Cards

This week I'm at a big climate conference in Washington, DC, and my wonderful hosts, Rachael and Bryan, have graciously tolerated my multiplying stacks of business cards (and obsessive email-checking).

It's funny -- even at a green event, there are all these disposable, single-use things. Enter information into electronic rolodox, discard. Luckily, business cards are small and Planet Green has come up with a number of reuses for them.

My favorite is the color swatch use:

When you're planning your wedding and have the colors chosen, head to a hardware store and pick up some paint chips. Then cut out your colors and paste the paint chips onto a business card, making one for yourself, your partner, family, and the bridal party. Ask everyone to tuck the card into their wallets, so it's on hand to check for a color match when they're out and about and happen to see something that is "so perfect for your wedding!"

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