Fighting Smug While Fighting Smog

Fighting Smug While Fighting Smog

A great new post at Planet Green reminds us not to get too preachy when trying to green up our own lives. It reminds me of the "Smug Alert" episode of South Park. A couple of imagined lines of dialogue from the Planet Green piece:

What's that? Battle-what McLactica? No idea what you're talking about, I'm afraid. You see, I don't watch TV. It uses too much electricity. No, I spend my evenings reading Thoreau.


Paper or Plastic? You've got to be kidding, right? What am I? A Neanderthal, or some Rush Limbaugh-loving global warming denier? Please. I carry my own reusable canvas bag, which I purchased five years ago, way before green was cool. The proceeds went to a charity that drills wells in Africa, of course.

So even if you shudder a little when you see people driving SUVs, hating on their personal choices (or giving out faux tickets for those personal choices) might not help you, them or the environment.

Of course, I've had plenty of people disagree with me on this one, so we can put it to a poll:

Feel free to elaborate in the comments!

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