Twittering Plant Knows How To Get What It Wants

Twittering Plant Knows How To Get What It Wants

Are you slowly killing your houseplants? Is it because you're too busy Twittering? THEN HAS THE INTERNET GOT THE SOLUTION FOR YOU!

Discover found a plant that's an early adopter and has more followers on Twitter than I do (even though I am at least as personable) -- and all it does is tweet about how thirsty it is:

Ok, for anyone not on Twitter, it's time to reevaluate: These days, even plants are doing it. And successfully, too--Pothos has 2,300 followers, and when it tweets, it almost always gets what it wants.

Granted, all it wants is water, but when plant owners are forgetful or just don't have a green thumb, their green friends often go thirsty. The solution? Botanicalls, a device that sends wireless signals to Twitter. It's made of soil moisture sensors that transmit information (too much moisture? too little?) through a circuit board to a microcontroller, just like a mini-computer.

The technology comes from Botanicalls. Here's a quick sampling of what it tweets:

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