Clear Channel 'Going Big On' Tea Parties

Clear Channel 'Going Big On' Tea Parties

The important thing about today's Teabag Parties is that these are straight up grassroots operations,. Grown from the bottom-up by populist Dick Armeys and not at all by corporate lobbyists and political action groups and major cable news outlets. OK? And this grassroots movement just keeps getting grassier, too! Via the awesome Tea Party catch-all site Teablogging comes the news that one of America's great grassroots organizations, Clear Channel Communications -- a mom and pop operation that makes "radio shows" for the "AM/FM tubes" -- is going all out in promoting the Tea Parties.

An email to Teablogging from Paul W. Westcott, National Correspondent for Clear Channel Radio & Online Network reads:

All of Clear Channel Radio's 140 news/talk station sites are featuring "Tax Revolt" & "Tea Party" content from our station network.

We're constantly updating with video, pics and audio from our network of stations ....

I'm not a PR guy I'm a content guy, I just wanted to let you guys know we're going big on this today. Thanks!

They are GOING BIG, all right, and Teablogging has the screencaps to prove it.

Anyway, this isn't Clear Channel's first foray into astroturfery, having previously spearheaded pro-war protests, back in 2003.

Grassroots! [Teablogging]
Channels of Influence [The New York Times]

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