Hardin, Montana: Guantanamo Jail Of The Future?

Hardin, Montana: Guantanamo Jail Of The Future?

"Economic development officials in Hardin are looking at the soon-to-close detention facility in Guantanamo Bay as a possible fix for the jail sitting empty in Hardin," the Billings Montana Gazette reports.

The prison in Guantanamo is set to close within a year, according to an executive order signed by President Obama.

Meanwhile, a 460-bed detention facility sits empty in Hardin. Built by Two Rivers Authority, the city's economic development arm, the facility was meant to bring economic development to Hardin by creating more than 100 high-paying jobs."

While leaders continue to look for contracts to open the jail, which was completed in 2007, people in Hardin have approached Two Rivers executive director Greg Smith saying they have the answer: Get the contract to hold those prisoners from Guantanamo.

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