NYT's Ross Douthat: Cheney For President

NYT's Ross Douthat: Cheney For President

Watching Dick Cheney defend the Bush administration's interrogation policies, it's been hard to escape the impression that both the Republican Party and the country would be better off today if Cheney, rather than John McCain, had been a candidate for president in 2008.

Certainly Cheney himself seems to feel that way. Last week's Sean Hannity interview, all anti-Obama jabs and roundhouses, was the latest installment in the vice president's unexpected -- and, to Republican politicians, distinctly unwelcome -- transformation from election-season wallflower into high-profile spokesman for the conservative opposition. George W. Bush seems happy to be back in civilian life, but Cheney has taken the fight to the Obama White House like a man who wouldn't have minded campaigning for a third Bush-Cheney term.

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