Kitchen Garden Photos Sent In By HuffPost Green Readers (PHOTOS)

Kitchen Garden Photos Sent In By HuffPost Green Readers (PHOTOS)

Thank you!

We asked HuffPost Green readers to send in photos and descriptions of their kitchen gardens (or victory gardens, if you prefer), and they did! From the many, many submissions, we've picked out just a few to hold up as interesting examples.

By no means are they all the most impressive examples -- some of your photos were incredible! A couple of them looked like a kitchen-garden-themed amusement park!

But we wanted to show a variety, and to show that anybody can do it, in all kinds of different spaces. Thank you again!

And if you absolutely can't grow your own food, another great way to get connected to the food that you eat is through community-supported agriculture. You develop a relationship directly with a farm that grows your fresh fruit and vegetables (and sometimes eggs and dairy and flowers), and you pick it up once a week. Sounds delicious, right?

Plus, it's a good way to stay on your toes as a cook! See what HuffPost Green's Johanna Smith had to say about the "mystery vegetable" effect.

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