Obama Notre Dame Speech: Anti-Abortion Activist Challenges Cardinal George To Speak Out

Obama Notre Dame Speech: Anti-Abortion Activist Challenges Cardinal George To Speak Out

A national anti-abortion activist is pressuring Cardinal George to call for Notre Dame to rescind it's invitation to President Obama to speak at the school's upcoming commencement, WBBM Newsradio reports.

Randall Terry, founder of Kansas-based Operation Rescue, challenged George, the Archbishop of Chicago, from the steps of Archdiocese headquarters Tuesday.

"The Cardinal needs to stand in front of the cameras and say, 'I was wrong. You can disinvite the president, and you should.'"

George's comments sparked heated discussion among American Catholics about the extent to which church doctrine, especially on right to life issues, should influence Notre Dame's selection of a commencement speaker.

A Tribune report on American Catholic's reaction to Obama's planned speech found 54 percent supported Notre Dame, while 38 percent opposed the invitation.

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