Miss California Coverage In A Minute (VIDEO)

Miss California Coverage In A Minute (VIDEO)

Carrie Prejean stormed into our lives last month when she responded to Perez Hilton's question about gay marriage by showing her firm support for opposite marriage. Since then she's come out against satan, signed up with the anti-gay marriage group NOM, caused a Miss California rep to resign, caught the eye of the Donald probably with her pageant-funded boob job, become Sarah Palin's BFF, had many topless pics of her released and became a Fox News anchor. That all seems about right.

But what of the coverage? What of the hours and hours of cable news devoted to Ms. Prejean? Are we supposed to forget it or, worse yet, watch it all? We here at the Huffington Post wouldn't let either of those things happen so we've condensed hundreds of hours of talking heads and sound bites to (roughly) 60 seconds for your consumption.


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