Organic Vs. Conventional Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg

Organic Vs. Conventional Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg

Organic food, conventional food, local foods...oh my! You wouldn't think these terms would charge up so many avid readers and bloggers, but they did, and big time. This week, I wrote a piece for The Huffington Post called "Organic Vs. Conventional: Have You Been Robbed?" and hell broke loose; 400 people commented on the post with numbers still increasing, and President and CEO of Stonyfield Farm, Gary Hirshberg, even took it upon himself to write a piece entitled "...In Response to Makenna Goodman." My original argument on this subject was that "organic," in all its eco-conscious glory, may not necessarily be the better option over conventional. Now. Before everyone starts freaking out and calling me foolish, ridiculous, libertarian or some kind of Monsanto plug trying to promote high fructose corn syrup and diabetic babies, let me clarify what I mean:

First of all, the very idea of certified organic--and its counterpart, conventional--were created by a government mandate that established a binary between two types of farming.

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