Let Long Island Secede: Samantha Bee Tackles New York Naysayers (VIDEO)

WATCH: Daily Show Tackles NY Naysayers Who Don't Want Long Island To Secede

After devoting the bulk of his show to Iran's elections, Jon Stewart tossed to a Samantha Bee segment on the Long Island secession movement. If you don't know what that is, don't worry, no one does.

Long Island, the body of land that extends from the end of Queens into the Atlantic Ocean, boasts suburbs and summer houses alike, along with people who hate New York State. Bee sat down with lawmakers and Italian guys who hang out in bars to ask probing questions with ridiculous answers. After a little light gay bashing from the bar boys and heavy nonsense from legislator Edward Romaine, one might start to think getting rid of this place isn't such a bad idea, but then where would we all get stuck in traffic on Friday afternoons?


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