Pat Buchanan Praises Obama's Iran Approach

Pat Buchanan Praises Obama's Iran Approach

Conservative commenter Pat Buchanan rarely has kind things to say about Barack Obama. But on the issue of the Iranian election, Buchanan has emerged as an unlikely supporter of the president's approach.

In a Townhall column Tuesday, Buchanan analyzed the presidential election results and commented on the implication of the outcome for Iran and America.

Buchanan writes: "Obama, with his outstretched hand, his message to Iran on its national day, his admission that the United States had a hand in the 1953 coup in Tehran, his assurances that we recognize Iran's right to nuclear power, succeeded. He stripped the Ayatollah and Ahmadinejad of their clinching argument -- that America is out to destroy Iran and they are indispensable to Iran's defense."

Buchanan is not alone among conservatives in taking this moment to stand behind the president.

Bill Kristol urged Republicans to follow a cautious path where criticizing President Obama, saying it would be "a mistake" to hope he fails right now.

But some, more hawkish, conservatives have accused Obama of being somehow responsible for Ahmedinejad's alleged power-grab.

Mitt Romney, for one, said on ABC's This Week that Obama should be faulted for going on an "apology tour" that led directly to the Iran results:

"It's very clear that the president's policies of going around the world and apologizing for America aren't working," he said. "Look, just sweet talk and criticizing America is not going to enhance freedom in the world."

Buchanan, though, suggests that Obama's approach should be commended.

"The Obama policy of extending an open hand to Iran is working and ought not be abandoned because of the grim events in Tehran. For the Iranian theocracy has just administered a body blow to its legitimacy in the eyes of the Iranian people and the world.

Obama, with his outstretched hand, his message to Iran on its national day, his admission that the United States had a hand in the 1953 coup in Tehran, his assurances that we recognize Iran's right to nuclear power, succeeded. He stripped the Ayatollah and Ahmadinejad of their clinching argument -- that America is out to destroy Iran and they are indispensable to Iran's defense.

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