"Daily Show" Mocks Republicans For Comparing Themselves To Iranian Protesters (VIDEO)

"Daily Show" Mocks Republicans For Comparing Themselves To Iranian Protestors (VIDEO)

Jon Stewart devoted two segments last night to Republican claims that their plight is akin to that of Iranians protesting a rigged election.

Earlier this week Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.) tweeted:

"Iranian twitter activity similar to what we did in House last year when Republicans were shut down in the House."

John Culberson (R-Tex.) did the same, referencing an appropriations bill debate:

"Oppressed minorities includeHouseRepubs: We are using social media to expose repression such as last night's D clampdown shutting off amends"

And David Dreier (R-Calif.) (who apparently doesn't know that Twitter is the place to make inappropriate analogies) said out loud:

"I wonder if there isn't more freedom on the streets of Tehran right now than we are seeing here."

Ah yes, demonstrations that have left dozens dead fighting against an oppressive regime are very much like your fight against Democrats ending a debate on spending at 9p.

After shedding a few crocodile tears for the House Republicans, Stewart threw to Wyatt Cenac who is embedded with the Republican resistance in DC, and thinks they have a shot at a serious uprising.


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