Jeff Sharlet Reveals Disturbing Details About Conservative "C Street House" Organization On Rachel Maddow Show (VIDEO)

Jeff Sharlet Reveals Disturbing Details About Conservative "C Street House" Organization On Rachel Maddow Show (VIDEO)

More and more information is beginning to leak out about the "C Street House" and the conservative and religious brethren of GOP politicians who live or have lived in the now infamous house. The house made headlines recently when it was discovered that among its occupants had been John Ensign, Mark Sanford and Charles Pickering, all religious Republican politicians who were revealed to be having extramarital affairs.

Rachel Maddow interviewed author Jeff Sharlet, who went undercover at the organization that owns C Street House and is known as "The Fellowship," on her show Monday, where he revealed more disturbing details gathered from his reporting. Especially bizarre was this anecdote told to GOP Congressman Todd Tiahrt (who has speculated about President Obama's mother aborting him) by the group's leader regarding the its philosophy of "the totalitarianism of Christ":

He said to Tiahrt what you need to do is form a covenant with your brothers in Christ, like Ensign and Coburn and Sanford. He says when you do this, when you commit total loyalty to each other, and you vow to keep up each others secrets, you can accomplish much more. And he gave to Congressman Tiahrt examples of guys who had done this very well, he thought. Hitler, Pol Pot, Osama bin Laden, and Lenin, and it just makes your jaw drop that Congressman Tiahrt thought this was very wise advice.


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