Strange Zombie Pasta Art Undercuts <i>NYT</i> Editorial

Strange Zombie Pasta Art UndercutsEditorial

On the New York Times' op-ed page today, Chiara Volpato offers readers a piece entitled "Italian Women Rise Up," which details the extent to which a nascent feminist force, sick of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's ostentatious displays of sexism, is on the rise in Italy, with the aim of spreading further dissent over Berlusconi's behavior and fighting sexist discrimination as a matter of national pride.

The essay is firm, full-throated, rich with history, steeped in reason, and stirringly written. Along the way, Volpato assigns blame to the "Italian media" that "exacerbate[s] this bleak reality by presenting a picture of women that is incomprehensible to the rest of Europe."

With that in mind, I have to wonder what Volpato thought about the art the the New York Times chose to accompany the essay, which presents an incomprehensible picture to its readership -- namely, that of a zombie lady arm arising out of a bowl of spaghetti.

In this case, I think a picture offsets a thousand words.

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