The Financial Crisis: Economists And Politicians Who Got It Right (PHOTOS)

The Financial Crisis: Economists And Politicians Who Got It Right (PHOTOS)

Financial prognostication has a notoriously shoddy track record (We're looking at you, Jim Cramer!).

But did anyone actually see the financial crisis coming?

Well, sort of. There were a number of economists, pundits and even a few politicians who either predicted aspects of the crisis or had eerily prescient things to say about the pre-credit crunch, pre-housing bust economy.

We've compiled a list of some of the most notable soothsayers of financial doom. Check out our photos and vote for your favorite prophet of our still-lingering financial apocalypse. If you know of any other thinkers who predicted to the crisis, leave them in the comments section and we'll add them to the list.

The Financial Crisis: Economists And Politicians Who Got It Right

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