Tea Party Music: Meet The "Outstanding Patriots" Performing

Tea Party Music: Meet The "Outstanding Patriots" Performing

TGIF y'all! It's time to start planning your weekend, in earnest. If you are like me, you'll be assisting your spouse in readying your domicile for a friend's baby shower. But if you aren't like me, maybe you'll want to come down to DC to take part in the September 12 Tea Party and Glenn Beck Doom Pornopalooza! It's going to your one-stop shop for LaRouchies, Representative Joe Wilson enthusiasts, incoherent rantings, and of course, teabagging.

But let me sweeten the pot for you by letting you know about all the musical entertainment options that this weekend's Tea Party Redux will be bringing. I just got an email from one of the astroturf PACs that bankrolls the Tea Parties (in this case Our Country Deserves Better PAC, run by Howard Kaloogian, who you might remember as being a famous photography liar), and it looks like the musical offerings will be extremely adequate.

The big name on the bill will be Lloyd Marcus, who you may recognize as the composer of the iconic American Tea Party anthem, "American Tea Party Anthem." I told you it was iconic!

This is just the sort of funk that the Panic of 1873 needed. Look for "American Tea Party Anthem" on the forthcoming Goin' Galt! Songs of Twenty-First Century Fake Populism, along with Billy Bragg's "Marching Song Of the Covert Battalions" and a bunch of Spiro Agnew speeches remixed by Girl Talk.

The Billy Bragg song was something I hoped I could sneak on there without anyone noticing!

Also on the bill this weekend is the Rivoli Revue. Like me, you may have never heard their music, but their online press kit will nevertheless tell you precisely how you are supposed to respond to each song, thus removing the need for you to do any of that pesky "critical thinking."

Their Youtube SENSATION "Press One For English", now with over 11.6 MILLION views, takes a light-hearted look at the issue of language. Audiences laugh when they hear "When I Die Bury Me At Wal-mart", an early hit with a witty take on those 24 Hour Super Centers and "I'm Country and That's O.K." puts a smile on everyone's face. The music video "I'm Country and That's O.K." has NASCAR Legend Marvin Panch making a special cameo appearance. "Dear Grandpa and Grandma" brings back fond memories as you listen to a heartfelt song dedicated to grandparents and the life lessons they've taught us. Traveling extensively in their RV many songs reflect life experiences as they travel the highways, bi-ways and scenic roads. "Making the Road Home", "On The Interstate", "Hang Up That Cell Phone", "Our Nightmare" and "I'd Run Right Over You" make audiences laugh with delight.

Rounding out the musical offerings is Diana Nagy, who is basically the top artist on all Pajamas Media iPods, and who has apparently been embedded on the entire Tea Party tour, which means she's had to spend more time with Fox News' Griff Jenkins than most people ever have to endure.

So there you have it. If you like Tea Parties, you'll want to definitely check out this awesome roster of musical talent. But, if you like music, you'll probably want to go to the Ladyhawke/Ida Maria show instead.

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