Denver's Best Bars

Denver's Best Bars

For those of you who've been hitting the same spot after work all year, HuffPost Denver has put together a slideshow of the city's best bars that you might consider checking out. Some of our picks, like The Cruise Bar, which was the first establishment to open after prohibition in 1933, are staples of Denver night life and others, like the honky tonk Grizzly Rose and The Thin Man, are simply good places to find a local brew.

Are we missing your favorite local spot? Submit your bar of choice by clicking the "Participate" button below. Include the bar's name, a short description of what you like about the place, a picture (ideally with you inside the bar or just of the bar's facade) and mark on our map where readers can find your suggested watering hole. We'll post the best suggestions in a slideshow next week.

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