Doctors Say Congress Must Include Public Option In Health Care Reform

Doctors Say Congress Must Include Public Option In Health Care Reform

A new survey was released on Friday indicating overwhelming support among doctors that the public option must be included as a part health care reform. More than 80% of the America's largest doctors' union-- the Union of American Physicians & Dentists-- consider some form of public insurance to be essential. Full press release below.


OAKLAND, CA -- At its Triennial Convention in San Francisco on Friday, October 2, the Union of American Physicians & Dentists (UAPD), an affiliate of the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and the AFL-CIO, will announce the results of an internal survey that shows that union doctors overwhelming support offering a public option as part of health care reform.

More than 80% of UAPD doctors consider some form of public health insurance to be the best plan for American health care.

In releasing the survey results, UAPD is calling on Congress to stand up to insurance industry opposition and include a robust public option in national health care reform legislation. Joining union leaders from UAPD and AFSCME on Friday will be Lieutenant Governor John Garamendi, a long-time advocate for health care reform.

From San Francisco, the first and only city to offer universal health care through its Healthy San Francisco program, UAPD doctors will speak from their own experiences treating patients in a variety of clinical settings -- from their private practices to clinics, hospitals, and public institutions.

The doctors will also discuss their plans for action in concert with a new, nationwide campaign by AFL-CIO labor unions beginning this week. They will detail how providers will work to maximize their voice in the national debate before and after the passage of reform legislation.

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