'Peace On Facebook' Tracks How Tech Promotes Peace

Peace On Facebook: Site Launches Feature Probing Social Networks, World Peace

Facebook has just launched a new feature on its site called Peace On Facebook that examines the link between tech (particularly social networks) and peace, with a focus on the site's desire to promote "peace by building technology that helps people better understand each other�.

Facebook has a link on the "Peace" page that directs users to the Stanford University Persuasive Technology Lab, which offers an overview of the "Peace Dot" project:

Many are pessimistic about peace, but our Stanford team sees a different trend. Today many good things are happening. To highlight work that increases peace, we organized "Peace Dot" and invited some partners to join us for the alpha launch in October 2009.

The Peace On Facebook page offers this description:

Facebook is proud to play a part in promoting peace by building technology that helps people better understand each other. By enabling people from diverse backgrounds to easily connect and share their ideas, we can decrease world conflict in the short and long term.

The page also has two features: one tracks friend connections on Facebook "created each day between people of different countries, religions, and political affiliations." (see screenshot below)

The second highlights the results of a Facebook survey that asks, "Is World Peace Possible?" (see screenshot below)

Every day, we ask more than 500 people on Facebook:Do you think we will achieve world peace within 50 years? In the U.S., 7% believe that we can. How can we grow this number?

The results of the survey can also be seen for Colombia, Germany, Taiwan, Israel, Turkey, and Egypt.

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