This Day In Pointless Political Twitter Dust-Ups

This Day In Pointless Political Twitter Dust-Ups

Today's edition of "Maybe All You Politicians Should Slowly Back Away From The Social Media Before You Hurt Yourselves" features California Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, this odd duck who is seeking to be the preferred GOP nominee alternative to Carly Fiorina, who's seeking to unseat California Democrat Barbara Boxer from the Senate. DeVore, no doubt looking for a little of that sweet-ass media synergy, did the so-hot-right-now thing and issued an endorsement of Doug Hoffman in the NY-23 race. I know, I know! Obscure California politico weighs in on a race in New York? OBVIOUSLY A GAMECHANGER.

Well, Washington Post reporter Chris Cillizza, in making note of this on his own Twitter account, was a tad dismissive of DeVore, tweeting: "Chuck DeVore (who?) for Doug Hoffman!"

Well, when DeVore found out about Cillizza's poison-tipped "who?" he basically had no other choice than to let slip the dogs of War-tweeting. And so ensued a series of barbaric bleats starting with DeVore pointing out that he was "The candidate who edged you out for a Shorty Award for best political use of Twitter, that's who!" Yes: I had to look up what a "Shorty Award" is, and this is what I found out:

The Shorty Awards honor the best producers of short content on Twitter. Award winners were recognized in 26 official categories and over 1,000 user generated categories for 2008. The first award ceremony took place on February 11, 2008. The event was hosted by CNN anchor Rick Sanchez, and special guests MC Hammer and Gary Vaynerchuk -- plus a video appearance by Shaquille O'Neal.

Good lord. Seriously?

Anyway, DeVore then felt compelled to send the same message out ("Chris Cillizza is still sore DeVore for CA beat him out for a Shorty Award for best political use of Twitter in 08.") three separate times, which certainly bespeaks a level of Twitter ineptitude that one would think unbecoming of a winner of one of these vaunted Shorty Awards.

Well, I'm sure this gave Chris Cillizza a whole lot to think about.

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