Former Heavyweight Champion Gives Back With Mentoring Program

Former Heavyweight Champion Gives Back With Mentoring Program

During his days as a professional boxer, Pinklon Thomas shared ring time with the who's who of 80s boxing: Evander Holyfield, Mike Tyson, Tommy Morrisson and Tim WItherspoon. He also was associated with the what's-what of drugs: heroin, cocaine and barbiturates.

His drug abuse affected his game, and a devastating loss to Holyfield in 1988 encouraged him to go into rehab the following year.

Today, Thomas has channeled his failures into positivity, as he works with Project P.I.N.K. (Pride In Neighborhood Kids) to mentor young people and encourage a positive lifestyle. Thomas met with Florida business-owner and philanthropist John Pierson to create the facilities which had been on both of their minds for years.

As reported in the Examiner, Project P.I.N.K. will launch it's new initiative on December 5, with a 4,000 square foot training area and boxing ring (like the kind Cutty had in "The Wire," only bigger!)

To keep up with Pinklon Thomas and Project P.I.N.K., log in on their site and sign up for the mailing list.

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