John Ensign Scandal: Mistress's Husband Speaks Out, Says Senator Kept Pursuing Affair (VIDEO)

John Ensign Scandal: Mistress's Husband Speaks Out, Says Senator Kept Pursuing Affair (VIDEO)

Doug Hampton, the friend of John Ensign who discovered the Republican Nevada senator was having an affair with his wife, sat down with ABC News to discuss the ongoing scandal. Hampton accused Ensign of breaking ethics laws and said he believed Ensign was still pursuing the illicit relationship in 2008.

"I think he's absolutely at this time pursuing her," Hampton told "Nightline". "He's absolutely fixated on Cindy ... He's in love with her." According to Hampton, Ensign told him, "I'm not going to apologize for how I feel. Not only am I going to pursue the relationship, you can't work for me anymore."

Hampton also accused Ensign of helping him line up lobbying clients.

"There's no doubt," he said. "Why would a client hire Doug Hampton if he didn't think he would have access to John Ensign's office? It's the only reason I would hire him."


In another segment, Hampton details how he discovered the ongoing secretive relationship between Ensign and his wife via the senator's cell-phone.

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