Shaq-A-Claus Returns, Delivers Toys To Children, Celebrates Shaqs-Giving

Shaq-A-Claus Returns, Delivers Toys To Children, Celebrates Shaqs-Giving

The Cleveland economy may be based on LeBron James, but it was another Cavalier superstar who brought joy to the Forest City and he only comes around once a year: Shaq-A-Claus.

Cleveland Cavaliers center Shaquille O'Neal visited a local Toys "R" Us on Sunday and bought thousands of toys for the Marines Toys For Tots program. He also shook hands, signed autographs and spoke to reporters about his reasons for distributing Christmas gifts to the needy.

"When I was young, my dad came to me one day and said, 'Son, I gotta take care of your sisters first. I'll take care of you on the next holiday,' " O'Neal recalls. "I was fine with that. I woke up that Christmas morning thinking I wouldn't get anything, but he gave me the one toy which inspired me to be who I am today and that was an autographed Dr. J basketball. I know toys will inspire a lot of children."

After finishing his gift-distribution at Toys "R" Us, Shaq headed over to the Broadway neighborhood to serve food at the local Boys & Girls Club. O'Neal paid $7,200 to have a truck from Feed The Children park and give out food to those waiting. Shaq signed at least 100 other autographs and told reporters how he was positively influenced in Boys & Girls Clubs in Newark, New Jersey, and wants to give back to the organization.

What will happen once Shaqs-Giving and Shaqs-mas are gone? How about Shaq-entine's Day?

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