Tareq Salahi Bio: Was On American Task Force On Palestine

Tareq Salahi Bio: Was On American Task Force On Palestine

Taleq and Michaele Salahi went on the "Today" show Tuesday and emphatically denied crashing President Obama's first state dinner. "This has been the most devastating thing that has ever happened to us," Tareq Salahi said.

Emails show the couple asked the Defense Department about attending. Apparently, they understood from the email exchange that they were invited.

Taleq Salahi is on the board of the American Task Force on Palestine, a DC non-profit lobbying group advocating a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But since the state dinner incident, his bio has disappeared from the group's website.

Talking Points Memo has a screengrab of Salahi's bio here.

Gawker originally speculated that the Indian ambassador helped Salahi and his wife sneak into the dinner -- they know him through polo. But the Indian Embassy denied any involvement.

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