The Impact Of War: How Departing Troops Say Goodbye To Family

30,000 More Troops Means More Goodbyes: The Impact Of War

President Obama's announcement of increased deployments in Afghanistan was sure to elicit strong opinions from around the country. Though all Americans are inevitably affected, none feel the burden as much as the troops themselves and their families.

After Obama's speech last night, "NBC Nightly News" briefly interviewed Sgt. Paul Meacham -- who will be deploying in February to Afghanistan -- and his family, about what it means to them.


When NBC asked Meacham what deployment means to his relationship with his son Justin, he answered pragmatically.

"It's terrible to leave your family. It's tough when you're gone from your kid and when you come back he looks at you like you're a complete stranger," said Meacham, who lives in Kentucky. "We miss at least one year out of their life. So, we just try to make the most of it while we're home."

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