Bing DOWN: Microsoft's Search Engine Crashes

Bing DOWN: Microsoft's Search Engine Crashes

For nearly an hour on Thursday, Microsoft's search engine Bing was completely non-functional.

Initially, the site displayed a code-filled error message:

Later, just before service returned around 10:15 ET, another message appeared:

Twitter users naturally went to town.

@OutrageousSteve: #bing FAIL

@relawson: Microsoft laid off the wrong person at #Bing, apparently. This is what happens when the hamster doesn't get food and water!

@Viper007Bond: Another reason I use Google instead of Bing: their site actually stays up.

@TimCohn: How Ironic... Bing is down during the airing of Inside the Mind of Google on CNBC

@Scobleizer: Wow, @bing has been down for at least seven minutes. Has that EVER happened to @google? How embarrassing.

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