Baby Survives Being Born In Toilet

Baby Survives Being Born In Toilet

Heather Richard thought she would never have a baby - until one was born in her toilet.

Richard, who is from Winnipeg, had been feeling unwell when she retired to the toilet in her home last weekend. Upon using the facilities, she gave birth to a 5-pound baby boy. She had previously had three miscarriages and been told she would not have children.

The Toronto Star reports her reaction:

"Just fell out, I thought it was my intestines, so I'm freaking out, I'm going to die, but then it's a little boy," Richard told CTV Winnipeg on Monday.

Richard's relatives found her in the bathroom in a state of shock. Her cousin relayed his reaction to CBC news:

"I look and I see her sitting here and crying and pointing at the toilet. So I look and there is a baby in there with the foot hanging out and there's blood everywhere and I didn't know what to do and so I got really shocked," said Keith Richard, a cousin of the woman.

According to Richard's grandmother, no one knew she was pregnant as she was a "hefty girl."

By a bizarre twist of fate, at that moment two police officers were knocking at the door to arrest Richard for a number of outstanding warrants.

After plucking the baby from the toilet, the officers gave CPR to the boy, who was taken to hospital. It was reported that the baby suffered a skull fracture from hitting his head on the bowl, but he is now in a stable condition.

The officer who gave CPR to the boy is now being taking medications because of the possibility of bodily fluid contamination.

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