Twitter-Themed Fashion Spread Stars In Vogue (PHOTOS)

Twitter-Themed Fashion Spread Stars In Vogue (PHOTOS)

While most are trading offline for online and paper for digital, Vogue Italia seems to be bucking the trend: The magazine decided to showcase the online-only microblogging site Twitter -- in print.

Vogue's December 2009 issue featured a Twitter-themed fashion spread, which showcased the likes of Gisele Bundchen and Naomi Campell.

Shot by photographer Steven Meisel, the spread replicates the format of the photo-sharing site TwitPic: the TwitPic logo (tweaked to read "MeiselPic", in honor of the artist) sits over the image, which is flanked by a caption, an entry for the model's MeiselPic "username" and password, as well as thumbnails of each model's MeiselPic avatars. The Vogue styling even copies TwitPic's light blue background.

Check out the photos from the Twitter fashion shoot in the slideshow below.

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