Katie Spotz Rowing Across Atlantic Ocean For Clean Water

Katie Spotz Rowing Across Atlantic Ocean For Clean Water

In a few months, 22-year-old Katie Spotz could become the youngest person ever to complete a solo row across the Atlantic Ocean. She set off from Senegal's Port of Dakar on January 3, and plans to reach South America in 70 to 100 days.

The purpose of the row, besides becoming the new record-holder, is to raise money for projects that would provide clean water to communities that currently don't have access. She's already raised $43,000, and as she indicates on her fundraising page, every $30 gives clean drinking water to another person. Follow Katie Spotz on Twitter to keep up with her progress.

The organization being supported is the Blue Planet Run Foundation, which seeks to provide safe drinking water to 200 million additional people by 2027.

From Gimundo:

Spotz knows that enduring heavy currents, strong winds, and frequent storms in the middle of the ocean won't be easy. But she believes the ability to complete physical challenges has more to do with willpower than anything else--and she's got that in spades.

"I never thought I could run 26 miles," Spotz told the New York Times. "But once I finished one challenge, I realized maybe I could do something even bigger."

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