Oprah Celebrates 56th Birthday With Two New Springer Spaniel Puppies (VIDEO)

Oprah Celebrates 56th Birthday With Two New Springer Spaniel Puppies (VIDEO)

Oprah turned 56 Friday, and for her live birthday show she hosted 100 studio audience members who share her birthday.

She also showed off her birthday presents to herself, two new puppies, 14-week-old springer spaniels named Sunny and Lauren.

"Everybody's asking me, what are you gonna do for your birthday? And I'm like, this is it. Doin the show, then after this I tape another show," Oprah said. "I think people celebrate birthdays the way they grew up, and we didn't whoop it up at my house, but I'm really happy to be able to celebrate with all of you today."

Oprah then introduced her "two new babies," adopted from PAWS, a no-kill shelter in Chicago.

Oprah already has three dogs at home: Sadie, Luke and Layla. Her beloved cocker spaniel, Sophie, died in 2008 at the age of 13. She cried on-air shortly thereafter when her producers put together a moving tribute to Sophie.

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