Sarah Palin's Popularity In Alaska Slips

Sarah Palin's Popularity In Alaska Slips

Alaskans continue to sour on Sarah Palin, according to a new poll released Friday by Public Policy Polling.

Forty-five percent of Alaskans surveyed have an unfavorable opinion of their former governor, while 47 percent had a favorable view and 7 percent were unsure. Seventy-four percent of Democrats have an unfavorable opinion of her, as do 55 percent of Independents and 15 percent of Republicans.

Palin's popularity in the Final Frontier has continually slumped since her early departure from office and before, amid sentiment that she wasn't looking out for the best interests of Alaska.

The results of the automated phone survey of 710 Alaska voters comes after her lengthy book tour and contract as a Fox News analyst.

One person's loss can be another one's gain, however. According to the survey the approval rating of Palin's replacement, Republican Gov. Sean Parnell, stands at 58 percent, while only 19 percent disapprove. These high marks also remain consistent across party lines, with 51 percent of Democrats and 55 percent of Independents approving.

The poll also showed that only 4 percent of Alaska Republicans approve of President Obama's performance, and only 14 percent of Republicans approve of the job Democratic Sen. Mark Begich is doing. Independent support of the Democratic political figures is tepid, with 43 percent approving of Obama and 37 percent approving of Begich.

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