Food Distribution In Haiti: World Food Programme Gives Out 42 Metric Tons Of Rice

Food Distribution In Haiti: World Food Programme Gives Out 42 Metric Tons Of Rice

A massive food distribution effort is finally under way in the damaged city of Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti. The United Nations World Food Programme set up 16 distribution sites across the city, giving out over 42 metric tons of rice.

According to CNN, women were given tickets to pick up a 55-pound bag of rice, one per family. Women were the only people allowed to receive a bag, as officials believe they will be more likely to distribute the food equally, and provide for area children.

From CNN:

Montouroy said most Haitian men have someone -- a wife, a sister, a mother or girlfriend -- who will be able to provide them with food. He said it was safer to deliver the rice to the women.

But things didn't sit well with some men.

"What about me? I didn't get anything. I need food," said Johnny Sanon Stevenson. "Many people could not participate."

Though the food was distributed by the World Food Programme, more than eight other humanitarian organizations were involved in the operation: Samaritan's Purse, Catholic Relief Services, CARE, World Vision, ACTED, Save The Children, GOAL and ADRA.

The New York Daily News also reports that cash is finally beginning to flow into Haiti as banks and transfer offices reopen.

These funds may be even more important to individual Haitians, as they involve personal transfers of cash from relatives elsewhere.

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