Ricky Gervais Pop-Up Books Stolen, Gervais Suspects 'Flanimal Rights' Activists

Ricky Gervais Suspects 'Flanimal Rights' Extremists After Theft Of Thousands Of Books

In a bizarre turn of events, a truckload of pop-up books written by UK "Office" star Ricky Gervais was stolen last week, Publishers Weekly reports. The truck, containing over 12,000 copies of Gervais's upcoming book "Flanimals Pop-Up," disappeared en route to publisher Candlewick's Indiana warehouse.

Gervais responded to the disappearance with typical humor. From Publishers Weekly:

"This is obviously a misguided Flanimal Rights Group or an organized gang of eight-year-olds," he said in a statement. "Just like the books, the thieves will fold under questioning."

The star's humor has led some, like popular book blogger Bookninja, to wonder whether the whole thing is a publicity stunt for the "Flanimals" series, in which "Flanimals Pop-Up" is the fifth installation. If it is, it's a pretty funny one.

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