Did Harold Ford Get Taxpayer Bonus From Merrill Lynch?

Did Harold Ford Get Taxpayer-Funded Bonus?

Senator Gillibrand went on the attack this morning, breathing new life into old allegations that possible-senate candidate Harold Ford, Jr. received a taxpayer-funded bonus during his time at Merrill Lynch.

"Did [Ford] receive a bonus?" Gillibrand asked at a press conference with Public Advocate Bill de Blasio. "Is it a taxpayer-backed bonus? I think it's essential that he disclose this information and I think it's only fair that New Yorkers have a right to know."

Yesterday's announcement that New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo was filing suit against Bank of America and its former top executives reignited the debate over whether Ford was one of the "bonus babies" who received millions of dollars in the last days of Merrill's existence.

Reached by email, a spokesman for Ford would only say, "Harold's compensation is set by a contract that states a specific amount."

Regardless of what Ford is willing or not willing to divulge, if he were to run for Gillibrand's seat he would be forced to disclose his financial dealings, especially now that Gillibrand is specifically calling him out on the issue.

Then again, Cuomo might beat him to the punch.

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