Eve Ensler's 'I Am An Emotional Creature' A 'Call To Girls Around The World'

Eve Ensler's 'I Am An Emotional Creature'

Ensler describes the result as "a call to girls, about girls, for girls, around the world, to be their authentic selves," to overcome the "pressures that rob them of their originality and power." Though the pieces are all fictional monologues, Ensler says they are "based on what is real and true" in her observation of the lives of different girls all over the world. Among the girls Ensler creates are a teenager in a New York suburb struggling with high school peer pressure; a Masai girl resisting female genital mutilation in Kenya, where V-Day maintains a safe house; a survivor of rape in the Democratic Republic of Congo; a teen who blogs about her self-starvation. Says Ensler, "I hope it tells these interior stories of girls that don't normally get told, the secret stories ... as opposed to the fantasy version of what girls are living." She hopes that through the stories, "girls get freed into the reality of their lives."

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