eReader Manufacturers To Blame For eBook Price War, Not Publishers

eReader Manufacturers To Blame For eBook Price War, Not Publishers

Make eBooks Cheap, Or Grandpa Will Steal Them

It's tempting to dismiss today's NYT piece on ebook readers' preference to pay less money for titles for the unsubstantial work that it is. But since it runs in the Times, some people will automatically take it seriously, despite the anecdotal reporting and absence of any data. (Not that none exists--but there's no mention here of recently-presented findings on price sensitivity from the BISG and Verso surveys, or Kobo's presentation that they sell almost as many ebooks at prices greater than $9.99 than they do at $9.99 itself, or the informal accounts of agents who have seen pricing data presented to them by Amazon. Or gosh, even the actual survey news of the week, in a "proprietary survey" from Goldman Sachs released Tuesday, which we'll get to shortly.)

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