Dr. S. Allen Counter, Harvard Professor, Gives Shelter To Haitians

Dr. S. Allen Counter, Harvard Professor, Gives Shelter To Haitians

Harvard Medical professor Dr. S. Allen Counter has taken a hands-on approach to helping those still living on the streets six weeks after a devastating earthquake ravaged Haiti. In the capital of Port-au-Prince, Counter recently delivered 150 tents -- each of which can temporarily house six to eight people -- via helicopters on loan from the Dominican Republic.

From The Cambridge Chronicle:

Most of the tents were donated to Counter by actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. A dozen tents were donated by children of the Mariah Baldwin Elementary School of Cambridge who heard Counter lecture about the situation in Haiti and collected enough money from their classmates to buy tents for homeless children and send them along with him on his trip to Haiti.

This isn't Counter's first trip to Haiti since the earthquake. Counter arrived in Port-au-Prince only days after the earthquake with a Harvard Foundation medical team to see patients.

"It was deeply moving to witness entire families who were previously sleeping on the streets move into the comfort and privacy of their own new tent," Counter said. "I felt blessed to be able to offer this small contribution of temporary housing to displaced Haitian families in the aftermath of this disastrous earthquake."

See HuffPost Impact's list of organizations in Haiti.

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