TigerText App Could Help Cheaters Hide Infidelities

TigerText App Could Help Cheaters Hide Infidelities

The new TigerText app--which recalls (but only by coincidence) Tiger Woods' raunchy text messages to his alleged mistresses--can help cheaters keep their infidelities secret and help all users to protect their privacy.

A text message not only lives on the sender and receiver's phones, but also remains on the cell phone provider's servers for an unlimited period of time. With so many records, incriminating notes can be hard to hide.

Time explains the TigerText app, which promises to help you protect your privacy:

Called, coincidentally enough, TigerText, it allows users to set a time limit for a sent text to hang around after it has been read. When that life span has been exceeded, the message will disappear, say the developers, from the recipient's phone, the sender's phone and any servers. The message cannot be forwarded anywhere, stored anywhere or sold to any tabloid for an undisclosed sum.

According to the Jeffrey Evans, the creator of TigerText, the app's name was not inspired by Tiger Woods' infidelities, but by tigers' stealth: 'Tigers are notoriously difficult animals to track,' the app's creators told the AFP. 'TigerTexts are difficult to track as well.'

Evans also notes that the app was not intended for cheaters. 'I understand part of the reason people want to talk about it today is because of the name but this is not about people trying to cheat,' Evans explained to the AFP, adding, 'If you send a private text message it should stay private.'

The app currently has a two-and-a-half star rating on the iTunes store. Wired has a review of the app, which notes that the app has a few technical complications.

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