Fil Mercer-Adams: Secret Millionaire Gives Money To U.K. Cancer Patients

Fil Mercer-Adams: Secret Millionaire Gives Money To U.K. Cancer Patients

British millionaire Fil Mercer-Adams recently posed as an unemployed cancer survivor to get an inside look at a small U.K. nonprofit called Firefly. Mercer-Adams worked with the organization as a volunteer before eventually revealing his true identity and writing them a generous check.

Firefly's founders, Denise Dunn and Andrew Hurst, have been tirelessly fundraising to institute a free bus in their community that would shuttle cancer patients to the hospital for chemotherapy in safety and comfort. With Mercer-Adams' donation, the organization will finally be able to pay for the Firefly Express they've wanted.

The elaborate ruse was all part of the British television show, "The Secret Millionaire," which sets up scenarios in which rich people pretend to be poor in order to seek out deserving people and nonprofit groups.

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