Karl Rove Shouts At David Plouffe Over Health Care: 'That's Bunk!'

Karl Rove Shouts At David Plouffe Over Health Care: 'That's Bunk!'

Former Bush adviser Karl Rove and Obama strategist David Plouffe squared of in a heated exchange on ABC's "This Week" on Sunday over the issue of health care reform.

"We will see if they pass this bill," Rove told ABC's Jonathan Karl. "I hope they don't. I pray they don't. It will be an economic disaster for the country if they do."

But when Rove asserted that the health care bill employed "Bernie Madoff-style accounting," Plouffe shot back: "Karl and the Republicans would be familiar with that," adding that the Bush administration "took us from big budget surpluses" to a trillion-dollar deficit.

Later in the segment, Rove produced a white board displaying health care cost numbers and yelled: "For God's sake, will you stop throwing around epithets and deal with the facts for once, David!"

Plouffe's response: "Let's put the fanciful chart away."

Rove disagreed: "This is not a fanciful chart, deal with the chart!"

Plouffe also charged that Republicans have not done any of their own heavy lifting to offer an alternative health care proposal to the one that the Obama administration and Democrats have been pushing.

"That's bunk!" Rove said.

Watch part one of their appearance

Watch part two of their appearance:

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