Bangladeshi Man Beheaded To Make Bricks 'Redder'

Bangladeshi Man Beheaded To Make Bricks 'Redder'

A Bangladeshi laborer was beheaded and his head burnt in a kiln by bricklayers hoping to make sure their bricks were a deep red, according to reports.

The 26-year-old man had been killed under orders from the brick-field's owners, who had been told by a fortune teller that a human sacrifice would result in redder bricks.

"They said the owners were unhappy as the brick-field was not producing reddish bricks despite enough heating," said Golam Sarwar Bhuiyan, a local police chief.

"A fortune teller then suggested that the brick-field needed a human sacrifice."

Four men have been arrested in relation to the murder, which took place in a remote area of Northern Bangladesh.

Red bricks are worth a premium in the area, as it is believed to show they have been baked properly.

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