'Real Housewife' Kim Zolciak Talks Bisexuality, Passionate Lesbian Kissing

'Real Housewife' Kim Zolciak Talks Bisexuality, Passionate Lesbian Kissing

After claiming she was still in a relationship with Big Poppa a couple of weeks ago, 'Real Housewife' Kim Zolciak tells Life & Style she is in fact bisexual and enjoying a 'passionate' connection with 'Tardy for the Party' collaborator DJ Tracy Young.

From Life & Style's press release:

L&S: Was there chemistry the first time you and Tracy met?

Kim: Well, we were both going through heartbreak at the time. I had split up with Big Poppa, and she had just ended a relationship she had been in for three years. The first night we met, we just connected on a different level. We ended up talking for two hours. After that, we started working in the studio together, remixing "Tardy for the Party." We gradually became closer.

L&S: Can you pinpoint the moment when things became romantic?

Kim: There were sparks, but [physically] it was a gradual situation. Tracy made the first move. Our first kiss was passionate and exciting.

L&S: Were you ever tempted to deny your relationship with Tracy?

Kim: No. I've never denied anything. I don't lie. I'm not embarrassed by anything I've ever done in my life. But I wasn't ready to discuss it when the story broke. I hadn't even had the chance to talk to my family about it. It was so unfair.

L&S: Do you feel you're giving a voice to other bisexual parents?

Kim: I'm among the millions of parents who have been in a gay or lesbian relationship. It hasn't been an easy road lately, but I feel there are no mistakes in my life. Everything happens for a reason. To have the opportunity to speak for myself and to have people understand what I'm going through is really special. I myself was confused and scared at first. Being able to speak from my heart and get this all out, it's a huge relief for me.

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