Conan Billboards Blanket The Country (PHOTOS)

Conan Billboards Blanket The Country (PHOTOS)

He may not be on TV anymore, but thanks to a billboard company, Lamar, you'll be seeing a lot more Conan in your life. Thousands of digital billboards have sprung up around the nation with one purpose: displaying Conan's current tweet. Sounds good to us.

Here's what Lamar's website had to say about their good deed:

Conan has lost his home and his rightful place on millions of screens across the nation. His audience is also lost. Some are picking up the pieces of their lives, but many can't. Some are too young to know this isn't their fault: that they've done nothing wrong. So, until this talented, brilliant, voluptuously coiffed man has his show back, we shall offer him our screens.

His tweets will be displayed 22 feet wide on thousands of digital displays across this great land in the noble hope of putting a little Conan back in all of our lives. Lamar is with Coco.

(via Buzzfeed)

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