Bill Brady's Most Extreme Positions: Getting To Know The Leading Candidate For Illinois Governor (PHOTOS)

He's Winning The Race For Governor, But Does Illinois Know How Extreme Bill Brady Is?

Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady has been well ahead of Gov. Pat Quinn in the polls for some time now. Despite an incredibly close Republican primary, the anti-incumbent attitude in Illinois has made Brady the favorite. Brady remains relatively unknown in Chicago and Cook County, and has a lot of support downstate--but do the people of Illinois really know what he is about?

Last week, Brady addressed a group of tea partiers in Will County, telling them "It's time to return Illinois and America to John Wayne's America." One commenter on the Capitol Fax blog responded to the sentiment:

- Before the Civil Rights Movement
- Before women had the right to vote
- Before social security and Medicare

Senator Brady, you're off to a great start.

Over the top? Maybe. But Brady's positions on social issues are as conservative as it gets. At the same tea party event last weekend, he implied that the Democrats winning in November could make America not "worth coming back to."

"There are men and women serving our country, putting themselves in harm's way to protect this country's liberty and freedom," Brady told the group. "We have a choice to make. Are we willing to fight through November to make sure they have a country worth coming back to?"

Brady stressed tax cuts, less regulation and less litigation at the tea party event, but has yet to explain how his fiscal plans could fix the state's crippling $13 billion deficit. His budget plan has been criticized by members of his own party, but Quinn's tax hike proposal is wildly unpopular among voters.

We rounded up some of Brady's most extreme positions. Check them out, and let us know what you think.

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