Oklahoma City Bombing 15th Anniversary: Bill Clinton To Talk Domestic Terror

Oklahoma City Bombing 15th Anniversary: Bill Clinton To Talk Domestic Terror

Bill Clinton will address the lessons of the Oklahoma City bombing Friday in advance of the tragedy's 15th anniversary, at an event designed to draw parallels to contemporary domestic terror and the kind of anti-government rhetoric that motivated Timothy McVeigh.

The Center for American Progress and the Democratic Leadership Council have assembled retired law enforcement officials and domestic-terror experts, as well as Clinton and other politicians, to reflect on Oklahoma City, "how the country reacted to it, and what lessons we can learn from it today about our political discourse," Carl Hulse reports in the New York Times.

As Hulse notes, McVeigh's April 19, 1995 bombing pushed Clinton to adopt sweeping anti-terrorism measures and prompted a significant increase in security protocols at federal buildings. But the anniversary symposium's organizers worry that McVeigh's philosophy is attracting a new wave of adherents.

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