Kate Gosselin Sobs About Kids, Brother

Kate Gosselin Sobs About Kids, Brother

The Gosselin press circuit continues as Kate cries on TV Thursday and Friday, as seen here in a still. Part of her anger is directed at her brother for testimony he gave Wednesday.

Kate breaks down in tears to Inside Edition's Jim Moret as she also talks about being away from her eight kids in Pennsylvania for Dancing with the Stars.

From the press release:

Gosselin: "My job takes me away from them and it's not easy to let somebody else pick them up from the bus stop...It's hard, it's really hard."

Usually after DWTS has wrapped for the week, Kate takes a red-eye flight home. But this week, she's promoting her new book I Just Want You to Know.

Jim Moret: "What do you want people to know about you after they read this book?"

Gosselin: "That I am a mom with a really huge heart...and that I'm not the monster I'm painted to be."

Gosselin also reacts to complaints against her by her brother and sister-in-law who went before child labor officials yesterday claiming Kate's kids were exploited during filming of Jon and Kate Plus Eight.

Jim Moret: "Do you feel at all betrayed by your brother for prompting that hearing?"

Gosselin: "I do actually because he has four children of his own...Spending time in court and gallivanting to New York to complain about me...couldn't he be at home with his kids?"

Kate reacts to specific complaints made by her brother in regards to an infamous "potty training" episode, in which a camera filmed the children toilet training.

Gosselin: "He knows the truth. And they've made a lot of money going out and complaining about us... I guess the money has run out because they are out complaining again. The truth is I haven't allowed them to see my kids in two years."

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